Thank you for inquiring about the Rural Employers Infuse Vital Economic Success in Texas (REINVEST) initiative, and the amazing opportunities it's creating for Central Texas employers and residents.

REINVEST will enable seven rural counties (Burnet, Blanco, and Llano in the west and Bastrop, Caldwell, Fayette, & Lee in the east) to generate high-quality jobs for 777 workers across sector partnerships in Healthcare, Skilled Trades, Finance and Information Technology. The population and demand for services are growing, employers are struggling to hire, and rural workers are struggling to access the quality training and support systems they need to thrive. REINVEST will recruit, train, and place workers into high-quality jobs.
Basic eligibility for REINVEST services include individuals who are:
- 18 years of age or older
- A United States (U.S) citizen or non-citizen authorized to work in the U.S.
- Registered for Selective Service (males only)
- Reside in Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Lee, or Llano Counties
Department of Labor Apprenticeship Plumbing Program is comprised of a four-level curriculum aligned with four years of on-the-job training towards a Journeyman license. Completion of Level 1 & 2 aligns with a first level license for a Tradesman Limited license for residential plumbing. The Plumbing Board can apply 1000 credit hours of work experience to apprentices with the DOL Interim credential accelerating the timeline from two years to eighteen months. Completion of all four levels earns a participant a DOL Certificate and qualifies you for a Journeyman license. Those plumbing participants who hold their Journeyman license for one year will qualify for the Master Level exam instead of the waiting the standard 4 years.
- Level 1: 16 – 18 weeks / 96 – 108 clock hours
- Level 2: 16 – 18 weeks / 96 – 108 clock hours
- DOL Interim credential awarded upon completion of Level 2.
- NCCER credential is awarded upon completion of Level 2. - Level 3: 16 – 18 weeks / 96 – 108 clock hours
- NCCER credential is awarded upon completion of Level 2. - Level 4: 16 – 18 weeks / 96 – 108 clock hours
- NCCER credential is awarded upon completion of Level 2.
- Full DOL credential is awarded upon completion of Level 4.

Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area (WSRCA) is partnering with Workforce Network, Inc., and Smithville Workforce Training Center to engage local businesses and communities to design workforce training programs that meet the skills needs of employers while ensuring workers gain access to a "quality job" at or above the prevailing wage for the industry inclusive of benefits.
Workforce Network, Inc. will be providing case management and opportunities to engage in training to participants in our western counties of Blanco, Burnet, and Llano.

Smithville Workforce Training Center will be providing case management and opportunities to engage in training with participants in our eastern counties of Bastrop, Caldwell, Fayette, and Lee.

REINVEST seeks out employer partners who will go beyond the traditional role and participate in sector partnerships.
Employers involved in the sectoral partnerships will:
- Engage in discussions to design and enhance training programs
- Commit to improving job quality and increasing inclusive workplace practices
- Hire workers who are trained through these programs
- Build relationships with sector partners
- Provide feedback to make the REINVEST program and partnerships stronger.
“Sectoral Partnership” is a partnership of employers from the same industry who join with other strategic partners to train and place workers into high-quality jobs that the employers need filled and intend to fill through the partnership.
The strategic partners can include:
- Government
- Education (including community and technical colleges)
- Training organizations
- Economic development organizations
- Workforce development organizations
- Unions
- Labor management partnerships
- Industry associations
- Employer-serving organizations
- Community-based organizations
Sector Champions are the leaders of Sectorial Partnerships. They will be advocates in the community for the REINVEST project. They will help engage their peers to become supporting businesses, model best practices in improving job quality and increasing inclusivity, and help us create a governance structure for the sustainability of the REINVEST project.
Core to REINVEST’s equity strategy is the goal to build economic opportunities for people in rural communities who have historically been underserved by economic development projects and business investments. The project will prioritize training programs and apprenticeships for these populations, including people of color, immigrants, women, individuals with a conviction or substance use history, and low-income individuals.

Together with our local partnerships, we’re building a world-class workforce for Texas, by helping Texans reach their full potential.
If you live in Blanco, Burnet, or Llano County, click to register here.
If you live in Bastrop, Caldwell, Lee, or Fayette County, click here to register.