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Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area

Upcoming Events

Feb 18, 2025

Re-Entering the Workplace

Re-Entering the Workplace – Once you receive a job offer, it doesn’t stop there. This workshop will discuss how to make the best impression on your first day on the job, how to effectively communicate in the workplace, and staying relevant in the ever-changing workforce while employed.

Feb 18, 2025

Selling Yourself Virtually

Learn how to sell yourself in a virtual interview by projecting positive energy and leaving a memorable first impression.

Feb 19, 2025

Workforce Solutions 101

WSRCA serves 9 counties in Texas. Learn about the wrap around services available for Job Seekers to assist with employment opportunities and possible training. Other programs include services for Veterans, Vocational Rehabilitation, Child Care, etc.

Feb 19, 2025

South Area Job Fair

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Quick Links is a comprehensive online job matching system used by both employers and job seekers alike.

Our Child Care Portal is your destination for in-depth information and resources for parents and child care providers in the Rural Capital Area.

Start My VR” is an online self-referral portal for prospective vocational rehabilitation customers, providing a convenient way for individuals with disabilities who are seeking employment to inquire about Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services and/or be connected to a VR staff member.

Visit Rural Capital Headlight to view economic, workforce, and demographic information for the Rural Capital Area.

Navigate your way to Career Success! Review Interactive Skill-Based Career Progression Lattices for over 380 occupations to identify local pathways for Health, IT, Trades, Office & Transportation fields. See where you are now and what it takes to reach your career goals.

Training Opportunities

Target Demand Occupations

Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area has identified the industries and occupations most in demand in our nine-county area that also pay a self-sufficient wage of at least $19.00 per hour.

The Upskilling Toolkit

Human Resource Development within your company is meant to support the continual growth of your employees by enhancing their skills, knowledge, and abilities. Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area can help you identify grants, partnerships, and strategies that can best help you to achieve the goals of your organization.

Apprenticeship Solutions

As a business leader, you are driven to help move your company forward. To do that, you actively seek bold, new ideas and solutions to everyday challenges like talent recruitment, training, and retention. Apprenticeship programs are a proven solution to creating and retaining a pipeline of diverse, specialized talent that allows businesses like yours to succeed today.

Tuesday Talks

The "Tuesday Talks" video series aims to give you need-to-know information to help your job search or career exploration. The best thing is that we designed these videos to let you learn on the go.

SkillUp Rural Capital

Free UpSkill Training Resources for Central Texans. Explore career pathways, view local job postings, register for free online learning, and receive workforce services.

Virtual Career Training Workshops

Upskill your career! Attend one of our many free career workshops and watch our webinars to create new workforce opportunities.

Metrix Learning Courses Free for Texans

Upskill Today! Take advantage of free unlimited access to more than 5,000 Metrix Learning courses to upgrade your skills and get you ready for job opportunities. Courses range from 30 to 60 minutes and are available in English & Spanish.
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