Workforce Wednesdays Virtual Hiring Events to Be Held Each Week in the Rural Capital Area to Connect Central Texans to Careers
Jul 03, 2020
Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area

CEDAR PARK, Texas ⎯ Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area (WSRCA) has launched a new Workforce Wednesdays Virtual Career Expo campaign within the nine-county Rural Capital Area of central Texas, to connect employers and job seekers at weekly online hiring events.
With a world-class labor force of more 520,000, and the unemployment rate continuing to decline across the region as employers begin to safely reopen amid COVID-19 concerns, Workforce Wednesdays represents a collective effort among Rural Capital Area communities and industries to empower their workforce through virtual interactive events, and continue to help the region compete at a global level.
“We are proud to continue to innovate our services to present new workforce opportunities for local businesses, families and job seekers,” said WSRCA CEO Paul Fletcher. “These are difficult times for our communities, but we’ll get through this together. By hosting virtual hiring events each week during Workforce Wednesdays, we are helping our fellow Texans find sustainable careers to support their families, all from the safety and convenience of their mobile device.”
The first Workforce Wednesdays Virtual Career Expo will be held on July 8, 2020, and each week thereafter, with other special hiring events planned with key regional employers, including Kalahari Resorts, which is looking to hire 1,500 workers by its November grand opening in Round Rock.
Job seekers looking to take part can register at Employers looking to host free hiring booths and interview sessions should email the WSRCA Business Services Team at, or visit
The WSRCA team is eager to help you find workforce solutions in person and has begun a phased reopening of our offices for customers with appointments. Services continue to be available virtually. For more information about virtual, in-person or curbside services, please visit our website, call us toll free, at 1-844-344-2780, and begin your job search on
Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area is a nonprofit community partnership providing no cost recruitment, employment services and childcare assistance, to businesses, employers, and job seekers in the Rural Capital Area of central Texas. This nine-county region includes Bastrop; Blanco; Burnet; Caldwell; Fayette; Hays; Lee; Llano; and Williamson counties. For more details on WSRCA, and the services it offers, visit
Click to see a printable version of this release and an event flyer.