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Attend a Free Seminar/Workshop on May 2 to Celebrate National Small Business Week
Join us on May 2, 2023, as we partner with the La Grange Economic Development Corporation and the La Grange Area Chamber of Commerce to host the first annual La Grange National Small Business Week Seminar/Workshop.
TOPICS: Business Services, Community Partnerships
TWC Labor Commissioner Albert Treviño Visits with WSRCA Board of Directors
We're humbled by our partnerships! Many thanks to Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III, with the Texas Workforce Commission, for visiting with our Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area Board of Directors and taking a tour of Austin Community College District's Round Rock Campus to strengthen collaboration to enhance workforce opportunities for Texans.
TOPICS: Community Partnerships, Career Training
Thank a Teacher! Celebrate National Provider Appreciation Day on May 12
Join the Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area Child Care Services Team in celebrating National Provider Appreciation Day on May 12, 2023. We want to take this day to celebrate our early learning schools. We appreciate you serving Texas children and their families with a safe, nurturing environment crucial to their earliest years.
TOPICS: Child Care Services
Calling All High School Students: Don't Miss the Greater Austin Summer Career Expo & Job Fair on May 18
All high school students in Central Texas are invited to take part in the Greater Austin Summer Career Expo and Job Fair on May 18 at Kalahari Resort and Conventions Round Rock.
TOPICS: The Future of Work, Youth Career Explorations, Hiring Fair
What is a Workforce Development Board?
Local Workforce Development Boards are local or regional organizations in each state and U.S. territory that oversee and coordinate public workforce development programs and services.
Celebrating the Week of the Young Child
Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area invites you to celebrate The Week of the Young Child, April 1-7, 2023. This week-long event aims to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.
TOPICS: Child Care Services